Color schemes

What is color?

Color exists because of the presence of light. The color in the objects does not exist properly, but each element has the ability to absorb or reflect the light that is in the environment. The light that reflects and could not be absorbed is what we can perceive and is what we call color.

To make beautiful notes ( I''ll show you how to make them in a future post) we need some color ranges or schemes, so they look organized and in harmony. 

In this post I will show you the different combinations that can be made from the chromatic circle.


This is the use of the same color in different intensities or tones. Ex:


It is about using opposite colors in the chromatic circle. Ex:


Basically you use the colors that are next to each other in the circle (neighboring colors). This is the one I use the most, as well as monochrome. 


We choose equidistant colors on the chromatic circle. An example would be yellow, blue and red or green, purple and orange.

TIP: If you are blocked and you don't know what color combination you want to use, you can look around you, for example you look to your right and see your bag that has blue, purple and yellow, there is a color palette you can use.

Finally I leave you some color combinations that you can use for your notes or for whatever you want.

Comment if you liked the post and if it helped you, clearly. Also comment what you want me to post.

And remember don't mind about mistakes better eat a cake 🥧.


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