
My parents bought me a book by Sophie Giraldo, called "Tú eres imparable" in the chapter "no basta con soñarlo" she gives a way to fulfill dreams and I wanted to share it with you. Some time ago in a library book, I found something similar and I made some notes of what they said there, but at this moment I do not remember the name of the book, but I will still share my notes with you. 

It is not enough just to wish, not just to blow a few candles on your birthday or make a wish when you see a shooting star, you have to dedicate yourself to fulfill that dream and work day by day for it.

The way goes like this:

1. Define the dream: you have to have your dream clear in order to fulfill it, don't you?

2. Think about what you have to do to achieve it. 

3. Work on it every day: it doesn't matter if one day you don't do it, but never stop fighting and working for your dream.

4. give up?

5. Don't give up. 

6. Go back to review each step. Go back to take strength. This is also valid.

7. Rest: this is extremely important, because if you don't do it, you will obviously get tired and you won't want to continue.

8. Keep trying to reach the goal. 

And now I share with you my notes:

First to fulfill your dreams you have to find the time, you can organize yourself with planners, schedules and set dates to meet each goal.

You have to go step by step setting small goals and reviewing your goals periodically. 

You also have to visualize your dreams, you can get inspiration from videos, magazines, photos, etc. Write down your ideas in a journal and you can draw pictures to see your dreams more concretely.

And last but not least, persist, look for permanent inspiration and company and inspire others. 

In the comments tell me what your dream is. 

I hope you liked the post.

And remember don't mind the mistakes, better eat a cake🥧.


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